Six Trustees met on 15 February 2016 and made a number of decisions.

Members need to know that this meeting – claimed to be a formal Trustee Board meeting – was incorrectly called.

The Articles clearly state that all Trustees must be notified of forthcoming Trustee Board meetings. In this case that clear requirement was not met. Trustee Michael Rowe was not notified and not invited. That was wrong and it invalidates the meeting – and any decisions made at that meeting are also invalid:

– Ian Aldridge’s election as Chairman is invalid
– Paul Johnson’s election as Vice Chairman is invalid
– The announced postponement or cancellation of the forthcoming General Meeting is invalid (the “six” do not seem sure if they want to postpone it or to cancel it. There is a difference!)
– The suspension of Frank Courtney as Trustee is invalid
– The suspension of Michael Rowe as Trustee is invalid
– The suspension of the WSRA Manager is invalid
– and any other decison made at that meeting is also invalid

We can’t make it any clearer than that!

We did ask one of the “six” to explain why the “six” consider it was OK to ignore the requirements of the Articles but no explanation has been received. WSRA+ will be pleased if any of the “six” cares to write to this blog with a clear explanation on that point – after all there might be a very good reason and we’d love to hear about it.

As with the recent news item on, WSRA+ advises Members of the West Somerset Railway Association to ignore the very recent postings on the official WSRA website concerning the General Meeting at Crowcombe Village Hall on 27 February 2016.

The two postings – “General Meeting Postponed” and “Further Information” – contain information based on decisions made during an improperly-called Trustee Board meeting held on 15 February 2016.

WSRA+ feels there is no need for us to comment line by line through the content of those two postings as they are simply not valid and not official and can therefore be ignored completely.

So WSRA+ advises the Membership to contribute to the forthcoming General Meeting by voting on the single resolution.

As ever WSRA+ welcomes comments and we trust commentators to continue to be constructive and polite to all and help the blog to provide a useful information tool for the Members of our Association.